Thursday, October 10, 2013

The biligual sections begin!! / ¡Empiezan las secciones bilingües!

This week the bilingual sections start. We are very lucky because we have a language auxiliar from USA. Today is her first day in the school and she will be here until May! We are going to learn a lot this year!

Esta semana empiezan las secciones bilingües. Tenemos mucha suerte porque hay una auxiliar de conversación que viene de EEUU. Hoy es su primer día en el colegio y ¡estará aquí hasta mayo! ¡Vamos a aprender un montón este año!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Castle and Sun / O castelo e o sol

After working with Paul Klee's Senecio, we continue with Castle and Sun, another Klee's work full of shapes and colours. This time we use the mosaic technique creating our Castle and Sun with small pieces of colour papers. What a big castle!

Despois de traballar a obra de Paul Klee Senecio, continuamos con Castelo e Sol, outra obra de Klee chea de formas e cores. Esta vez empregamos a técnica do mosaico para crear o noso Castelo e Sol con pequenos anacos de papeis de cores. Que castelo máis grande!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Portrait of a man / Retrato dun home

During October we learned about Swiss artist Paul Klee who was known for his colorful paintings and drawings. Klee’s most famous painting is Senecio, a portrait of a man using geometric shapes and brightful colours. We used squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles to create our own Senecio and then we coloured it using soft wax crayons.

En outubro traballamos sobre o artista suízo Paul Klee, famoso polas súas pinturas e debuxos cheos de colorido. A obra máis coñecida de Klee é Senecio, un retrato dun home utilizando figuras xeométricas e colores chamativos. Utilizamos cadrados, círculos, retángulos e triángulos para crear o noso propio Senecio e logo démoslle cor con ceras blandas.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hello! / Ola!

Welcome to our blog of arts and crafts of first and second grades of primary education! We are from the school Xosé María Brea Segade in Taragoña, Rianxo and we enjoy drawing, painting and speaking English. Let's have fun!

Benvidos ao noso blogue de plástica de primeiro e segundo de primaria! Somos do colexio Xosé María Brea Segade de Taragoña, en Rianxo e gústanos debuxar, pintar e falar en inglés. A pasalo ben!